Outlet Adapter Included: Based on Your Delivery Location

Was sind Erdungslaken?
Durch die Verbindung mit dem endlosen Fluss wohltuender Elektronen der Erdoberfläche entfalten Erdungslaken die tiefgreifende Heilkraft und die Vorteile der Erdung.
Diese wichtige Verbindung unterstützt die natürlichen Heilungs- und Regenerationsprozesse Ihres Körpers und fördert eine optimale Gesundheit und Ihr Wohlbefinden, insbesondere während des Schlafs.
Warum sollte man geerdet schlafen?
Profitieren Sie von den erstaunlichen Vorteilen, die die Natur bietet. Eine verlängerte Erdung ist besonders während des Schlafs von Vorteil, wenn Ihr Körper die wichtigsten Heilungs- und Regenerationsprozesse durchläuft. Dieser Erdungsprozess hat zur Folge, dass Sie sich energiegeladener und verjüngter fühlen.
Die freien Elektronen aus der Erde helfen, den Körper wieder ins Gleichgewicht zu bringen, sein bioelektrisches System zu stabilisieren und freie Radikale zu binden. Die Elektronenströme fungieren als entzündungshemmende, schmerzlindernde und Anti-Aging-Antioxidantien. Sie verhindern das Ausbrechen von Entzündungen, über die ganze Nacht.
Spüren Sie, wie Ihr Stresslevel sinkt, während die heilenden Elektronen Ihres Erdungslakens die natürliche elektrische Stabilität Ihres Körpers wiederherstellen und die Schäden, welche vom Menschen verursachten EMFs zur Folge liegen, abschwächen.
- Verbessert den Schlaf
- Beseitigt oder verringert Entzündungen erheblich
- Beseitigt oder lindert Schmerzen erheblich
- Verbessert die Durchblutung
- Hat eine ausgleichende Wirkung auf das Stresshormon Cortisol
- Hat eine beruhigende Wirkung auf das Nervensystem
- Verringert die Blutviskosität
- Verbessert die Glukoseregulierung (Blutzucker)
- Verhindert den Verlust von Kalzium und Knochendichte, verringert die Anzeichen von Osteoporose
- Erhöht die Stoffwechselrate (Metabolismusrate)
- Beeinflusst die Schilddrüsenfunktion
- Verringert Muskelschäden, beschleunigt die Erholung von anstrengendem Training
- Beschleunigt die Wundheilung
- Verbessert die Antwort des Immunsystems auf Traumata und Verletzungen
- Lockert Muskelverspannungen auf
- Verringert häufiges nächtliches Wasserlassen
- Verringert PMS-Symptome und Hitzewallungen
- Hat eine Anti-Aging-Wirkung

This documentary will take you on an eye-opening journey to explore the remarkable power of Grounding, also known as Earthing. You will learn about the scientific phenomenon of Earthing and discover how this simple practice can promote significant healing within your body.
The Earth is like a gigantic battery..

For safety and stability, most everything in the electrical world is connected to it, whether it is an electric power plant or your refrigerator.
That’s what the term “grounded” means.
Being grounded also applies to people. When you are electrically grounded, you feel:
Less tense
Less stressed
Increase In Illness
Doctors often can’t find the cause and resort to prescribing "band-aid solutions" and medications that produce side effectslike fatigue, poor mood, gastro-intestinal upset, and headaches.
There has been an increase in the number of people suffering from autoimmune (inflammatory) diseases. Millions of people in Europe are suffering from diseases including:
— Inflammatory bowel disorders (IBD)
— Multiple sclerosis (MS)
— Rheumatoid arthritis (RA)
— Lupus
Additionally, chronic inflammation is known to promote cancer, heart disease, Alzheimer's, wide-spread musculoskeletal pain and achy, sore joints..
Researchers are struggling to pinpoint conventional explanations and reasons behind the steep increases in a diversity of illnesses and widespread inflammation which is now characterized as the “Silent Killer”.

Losing Touch With The Ground Beneath Us
You are a bioelectrical being living on an electrical planet. Your body operates electrically. All of your cells transmit multiple frequencies that run, for example, your heart, immune system, muscles, and nervous system. You're an electrical being first, chemical being second. Embrace the electrifying potential of Earthing to reconnect and thrive.

With the exception of humans living in industrialized societies, all living things on our planet are connected to the ground’s electric energy. In industrialized societies, you rarely go barefoot and walk around outside or wear natural leather shoes that allow you to absorb the ground’s energy.
For many decades, people have increasingly been wearing rubber and plastic-soled shoes that act as a barrier to the Earth’s energy, insulating them from electrical contact with the Earth. People also generally don’t sleep on the ground anymore, as many cultures have done throughout history. They live and work above the ground, even far above the ground in high-rises.

The truth is, you’re disconnected. You’re ungrounded. You are not in touch with the Earth. This disconnection is an overlooked factor in the widespread increase of many illnesses nowadays. Reconnecting could be simpler than you think; a grounding sheet might just be the key to bridging that gap.
What Are The Healing Benefits of Grounding Bed Sheets?
Scientific research spanning over more than a decade indicates that your body can be protected and helped—and that you feel better—when you electrically reconnect to the Earth. That is, when you are grounded.
Reconnecting with the Earth helps us create the necessary neutral electrical charge in our body so that we have the opportunity to heal, and grounding sheets can facilitate this vital link. The figure below shows the results of a study that examined the effects of being grounded while sleeping over the course of eight weeks.

Improved facial circulation (right image) after 20 minutes of grounding, as documented by a Speckle Contrast Laser Imager (dark blue=lowest circulation; dark red=highest circulation). Image Source: Scientific Research Publishing
Earthing has been studied and proven to have a remarkable effect on red blood cells. By increasing their surface charge, Earthing transforms blood viscosity and prevents the dangerous clumping of red blood cells. This heightened surface charge allows them to maintain a crucial separation, ensuring a consistently smooth, single-file flow through the intricate network of capillaries, much like a well-managed highway. This not only contributes to improved overall circulation and health but also creates what is known as a healthy Zeta potential.
Grounding appears to be one of the simplest and yet most profound interventions for helping reduce risk of cardiovascular events. The circulatory benefits of earthing increase the health and recovery of our body's tissue by improving the delivery of oxygen and nutrients throughout the body.
Pain Reduction and Expedited Wound Healing
Earthing after injury can reduce or even prevent the hallmark signs of inflammation: redness, heat, swelling, pain, and loss of function. Researchers have confirmed expedited recovery of painful chronic inflammation using medical infrared imaging.

Pain reduction from earthing helps both newly formed wounds as well as the many types of chronic pain, such as arthritis. By producing measurable differences in the concentrations of white blood cells, cytokines, and other molecules, earthing benefits the inflammatory response.
Cognitive Function and Neuromodulation
If your body is experiencing chronic inflammation, one of the first functions to be affected is cognition. All-too-common results of this are brain fog, fatigue, irritability, and problems with mood, memory, and mental processing.
The antioxidant and anti-inflammatory mechanisms of electrons via grounding make earthing a potent way to maintain normalized function in the brain. Clean up chronic systemic inflammation with regular earthing to experience life with minimal neurological impairment.


Watch the video below for instructions on how to set-up and wash your Earthing Bed Sheets
What People Are Saying About Our Grounding Sheets

More Grounding Sheets Reviews: Hear Real People Share Their Stories..
Kayla has now been sleeping on Earthing sheets for several months, and her sleeping patterns have drastically changed. She's getting a much deeper, more restful sleep and awakes refreshed. Another unexpected benefit was the reduction of static electricity. Listen as Kayla shares her experience after just couple of minutes on the sheet.
Erica had been suffering from various injury-related pains for nearly a year before discovering Earthing. She dove deep into research and experienced immediate benefits in her own life. She is now attempting to educate everyone she meets along the way, because many people are unaware of the benefits. Hear Erica tell her side of the story...

Creating a Better Tomorrow:
Our Pledge to Positive Change
By choosing our Grounding Sheets, you are not just investing in your own health and wellness, but also contributing to a better future for the planet. With our commitment to giving away 1% of our sales, we are working to reverse the effects of climate change and promote sustainable living. Join us in taking a step towards a healthier and happier world.
100% Money-Back Guarantee
We believe our products are high-quality. To back this up, we provide all customers with a 45-day money-back guarantee.
We understand buying items online can sometimes be a daunting task and want you to feel certain that there is no risk shopping at Earthing Harmony
Don't hesitate to contact us for more information:
More Reviews of Earthing Bed Sheets..
Earthing also known as Grounding, is simply connecting your body directly to the subtle, natural electrical energy that exists on the surface of the Earth.
You can do this by walking barefoot outside or by using "barefoot substitutes" like the ones we teach you about on our site. These original Earthing Harmony grounding products work by utilizing the ground port of home outlets or a simple ground rod kit to connect you to the Earth's energy.
Earthing Harmony products have the conductive materials which enables them to transfer the Earth's energy into your body when you have skin contact with them.
No, our grounding bed sheets are cleverly designed to link you to the Earth's grounding energy without tapping into your home's electrical supply.
They come with a unique cord that, although it plugs into your wall outlet, exclusively connects to the grounding pin—the part dedicated to electrical safety. This component is entirely distinct from the electrical circuit, so it's electricity-free. Essentially, when you connect and use grounding sheets, you're harnessing the Earth's natural energy for grounding purposes alone.
To determine if your grounding sheet is functioning correctly, you'll need to check the grounding capabilities of your home's electrical outlets. If your outlet has a third pin — known as the grounding pin — it's intended to connect devices to the Earth's grounding energy, which is exactly what grounding sheets are designed to use.
In homes where outlets have this third grounding pin, they are typically connected to the Earth, but to confirm that the grounding is indeed active, an outlet checker is a reliable tool. You can easily obtain one of these testers from online retailers or local hardware stores. Here is a convenient link to purchase an outlet checker: [Insert link here]. With this device, you can make sure the grounding pin is operational, ensuring your grounding sheet can perform its intended function.
For homes without grounded outlets or in cases where the grounding may not be functioning, grounding rods can be used as an alternative to establish a connection to the Earth for your grounding sheet.
Yes, you can safely use our Earthing Sheets with an extension cord, power board or standard double adapter provided that they are Earthed. Just ensure that your extension lead or powerboard has a third pin for Earthing. If you'd like to be extra sure, then use one of our inexpensive multimeters to check that your extension lead or powerboard properly conducts Earth. You can find our outlet checker by clicking this link.
We’ve found that cheaply built powerboards may conduct electricity but don’t transfer Earth! The best way to verify that Earth is coming through is with a simple multimeter test just to be sure.
Outlet checker is available as an additional purchase and is not included with the sheets.
This can vary from person to person, as each individual's body responds differently to grounding, also known as 'Earthing.' Some may feel the benefits immediately – a sense of calm, relief from stress, or even reduced inflammation and pain. For others, the effects may be gradual and subtle, developing over a period of days or weeks.
The body is a complex system, and grounding influences it by stabilizing the electrical environment of our organs, tissues, and cells. While some benefits, like feeling more 'grounded' or having a better night's sleep, might be noticed quickly, longer-term benefits related to inflammation and circulation could take longer to become apparent.
It's important to approach grounding with patience and an open mind. Just as a plant doesn't grow overnight, the body may take time to fully respond to the grounding process. To optimize the effects, ensure consistent use of your grounding sheets and integrate other healthy lifestyle practices such as a balanced diet, hydration, and regular physical activity.
Earthing works best if your bare skin is touching the grounded Earthing Harmony products.
Some of the Earth's energy can work through thin layers if there is some moisture in the material which will help to direct the current of the Earth through the material. However, skin contact is best (in nature it works even with just a tip of the finger).
We don't advise using another sheet on top of the Earthing sheet as it may interfere with the conductivity. Our Earthing sheets are very comfortable to sleep on and regular washing is advised for the best results.
Yes, you can wear pajamas while sleeping on earthing sheets. While direct skin contact is optimal for earthing benefits, it is not necessary to sleep naked on the sheet. As long as there are body parts that have direct contact with the sheet, such as arms, legs, or feet, you can wear comfortable pajamas or sleepwear.
However, it's important to note that having uncovered areas of skin in direct contact with the grounding sheet provides more localized targeting for earthing. This can be particularly beneficial if you have specific areas of concern that could benefit from the earthing process, as it may assist in speeding up the healing process in those areas.
It is generally recommended to use the grounding sheet directly on your mattress or bedding without an additional sheet on top. This allows for better conductivity and direct contact with the grounding material, enhancing the effectiveness of the earthing experience.
Remember, the ultimate goal is to have some areas of your body in contact with the grounding sheet during sleep, so choose what feels most comfortable for you while still ensuring direct skin contact in certain areas.
It’s possible that some of the houses are not properly grounded or doesn’t have the 3rd plug.
The solution for that is to use the Grounding Rod, which is placed directly in the Earth and the other end connects to your Earthing sheet. You can run the cord through a window or under a door and literally into the ground outside. Grounding rods can be used with Earthing sheets and as an alternative to connecting through your power outlets. It’s also a great way to make proper Earthing available for when you’re traveling, camping etc..
Grounding rod is available as an additional purchase and is not included with the sheets.
Our Earthing Sheets are made of 95% high quality cotton and 5% silver. The silver in the sheet serves as a conductive element, allowing the sheet to be grounded, and innovative grid weaving techniques ensure maximum transfer of beneficial free electrons from the Earth directly to your skin.
We understand the importance of both comfort and effectiveness when it comes to our products. During the development of our Earthing Harmony sheets, we made a conscious decision to use a higher percentage of cotton to ensure that our customers are as comfortable as possible (sheets are not scratchy on bare skin and are actually usable) while enjoying the maximum benefits of Earthing.
Our fitted Earthing sheets are designed to provide a comfortable and secure fit for most standard size mattresses. The depth of our fitted sheets is 12", which covers a wide percentage of commonly found mattresses.
This ensures that the sheet stays in place throughout the night and provides consistent grounding benefits. So whether you have a thick or thin mattress, our fitted Earthing sheets are the perfect solution for a comfortable and effective grounding experience.
We understand that our standard fitted sheets with a depth of 12 inches may not fit all mattresses. In such cases, we offer the option of custom orders to accommodate deeper mattresses. However, it's important to note that custom orders incur additional costs and require longer processing times. If you're interested in a custom order, please provide us with the specific measurements of your mattress, and we will gladly provide you with more information regarding pricing and lead time.
Alternatively, we have a solution that may meet your needs. We offer a complete flat sheet without the corner-hugging features found in our fitted sheets. Although this option is not currently listed on our website, it is available for purchase at the same price as our fitted sheet sizes. The flat sheet provides ample fabric to accommodate the depth of your mattress. We recommend selecting a size larger than your mattress dimensions to ensure generous coverage.
Please feel free to reach out to our customer support team for further assistance with custom orders or to inquire about purchasing the flat sheet option. We are here to help you find the best solution for your requirements.
To maintain the conductivity of your silver-threaded Earthing Harmony sheets, regular washing is essential. This practice helps to remove body sweat and natural skin oils from the silver threads, ensuring their continued conductivity. Follow these guidelines to ensure proper washing and care of your sheets:
- Wash your sheets weekly or at least twice a month.
- Use a washing machine and wash with warm water (approximately 105°F or 40°C).
- Line dry your sheets or use a dryer on low heat if needed.
- Iron only when necessary on low heat.
- Wait for one hour after applying lotions or body oils before touching the sheets.
DON'Ts: - Do not wash with bleach or fabric softener.
- Avoid using whitening detergents or oxi-detergents.
- Do not use detergents containing oils such as lavender or coconut oil.
- Avoid using dryer sheets.
- Do not apply lotions or body oils on your skin right before bed.
Note that using any of the products listed above could damage the silver threads and decrease the effectiveness of the sheets or make them nonconductive.
By following these guidelines, you can maintain the conductive properties of your Earthing Harmony sheets and enjoy their health benefits for a longer period of time.
With proper care and maintenance, our sheets are designed to provide you with grounding benefits for a long time. To ensure its longevity, we recommend following the care instructions included with the sheets.
The lifespan of earthing sheets with silver fibers can vary depending on factors such as frequency of use, skin type, skin products used, washing detergent, washing method, care etc. On average, these sheets can last up to two-three years of daily use or more with proper care and maintenance.
It is recommended to wash the sheets on a regular basis to ensure proper conductivity and to avoid buildup of dirt and oils from the skin. Generally, if you notice a decrease in effectiveness or any signs of wear and tear, it may be time to replace the sheets.
Investing in a new set of earthing sheets ensures optimal performance and is a worthwhile investment in your overall health and well-being.